Am I too late to crypto?

The DigitalFan
2 min readJan 23, 2022

Am you too late to jump on the crypto-train? I mean, it finally seems as though we’ve reached a “tipping point.” Bitcoin has surged to new all-time highs over the past years, ETH has gained a steady stream of traction, adoption, and press coverage. Solana is getting noticed and other alt-coins are gaining momentum.

The reality is that the price of crypto has gone through dramatic highs, then sharply down, fueling suspicions such as “Crypto had left and gone mainstream.” “Crypto is no longer cool, no longer hip.” Some of my friends are even talking about moving on to the next thing. So is it just a trendy invest, or is crypto the wave of the future?

Honestly, I don’t know how to answer this question, nobody really does, we don’t have powers to look into the future, nor do we have a time machine, to go back a little more than a decade ago when BTC was just starting out. But, in my opinion, we’re not late at all, we’re potentially just passing the early days, those that we will look back on awe.

It’s been a wild ride, but if you made it here, you’re probably familiar with the growing impact of cryptocurrencies on financial markets worldwide.

I believe that even if you’re just hearing about blockchain, you’re not too late. Even if you started yesterday, you’re not too late. Crypto technology is the next step in tech evolution, and it’s happening right now. This industry is not just about getting rich, it’s about redefining the global economy.

A new global economic system that allows you to become a part of the world’s next evolution… what a time to be alive! It might not just be the solution we’ve been looking for — but it might also be the answer to all future problems.

A new global economic system that allows you to become a part of the world’s next evolution… what a time to be alive! It might not just be the solution we’ve been looking for — but it might also be the answer to all future problems.
Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash



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